


Following broad consultations across the Skidmore community, we are proud to present 学院的下一个 战略计划.  As you will see, it begins by reaffirming our commitment to the distinctive vision of residential liberal education that has long animated teaching 和 learning at Skidmore – an educational vision that we believe offers our students the best opportunity to achieve excellence in their college careers 和 to embrace the opportunities to be 在他们毕业后的生活中发现的.  它也承认我们现在正在运作 in a more competitive environment, one in which only a small group of national liberal arts colleges will be able to attract the students, faculty 和 staff, 和 resources 决定他们未来的道路是必要的. 为了实现我们的愿望, it is essential that we position 火博体育大学 to be counted among this group of schools, as an institution that is an acknowledged, distinguished, 和 distinctive 引领本科通识教育.

火博体育断言 创造性思维很重要 provides the lens through which we view our programs in seeking new levels of excellence -尤其是对我们的学生.  创造力不足以取得成就, 但这当然是必要的.  And we believe that the necessary condition for realizing our commitment to 创造性思维 is to foster a diverse 和 fully inclusive community that affords all members the opportunity to make their special contributions.  这 承诺包含在概念中 包容的卓越.  Our objective throughout is to remain focused on our students:

We expect Skidmore graduates to be able to travel anywhere in the United States 和 the world, develop an underst和ing of the local culture, interact effectively with people across lines of difference, identify key issues, 和 draw upon their liberal education to develop creative solutions to address them. 我们进一步期待何时 potential employers or admissions deans of graduate 和 professional schools see “Skidmore College” on a resume, they will think, “这 is someone who will elevate our organization.”

To achieve this outcome, this 计划 identifies the following four Goals:

  1. Integrative Learning 和 Education—To Develop Students’ Capacities to Create, Imagine, 和 Change the World, 和 to Enhance the Work of the Faculty as Teacher–Scholars:We will invest in pedagogical 和 scholarly programs 和 educational strategies that develop the capacities of students 和 faculty members to achieve, model, 和 demonstrate excellence as scholarly, creative, 和 integrative learners. 我们决心这样做 to developing 和 implementing new 和 creative pedagogies 和 curricula that will 支持我们向技术丰富的大学过渡.
  2. Access—To Ensure Access for All Our Students to an Extraordinary Educational Experience:Students will have full access to opportunities for educational excellence across all three phases of their Skidmore careers—at admission, as undergraduate learners, 他们正在向大学毕业后的生活过渡.
  3. Well-Being—To Strengthen the Inclusiveness, Health, 和 Well-Being of Our Community:We will create new opportunities for developing the skills that will make Skidmore a more healthful, inclusive, 和 creative community.
  4. 可持续性—To Continue to Build a Sustainable Institutional Foundation for Excellence: Deploying the concept of sustainability, broadly understood, as an organizing principle, we will invest our time, energy, 和 funding in initiatives to ensure the College’s 长期生存能力和成功.

在此指导下 战略计划, the Skidmore community will strive to cultivate creativity in service of integrative learning, 包容的卓越, access, well-being, 和 sustainability. 在指出 the way for the College to achieve these goals, this 计划 represents the convergence of our aspirations 和 the imperative to push the boundaries 创造力和想象力. 与此同时,学院必须保持警惕.  We must align our investments of time, energy, 和 financial resources with our strategic priorities to an extent we have never before achieved.

These goals set out a 10-year vision for the College. 在此期间,额外 action steps will be identified as part of our ongoing institutional strategic thinking—especially in the process of developing annual 行动议程 (a practice that was integral to the success of the previous 计划), as well as in a formal review at the five-year 中点. But at the heart of this work st和s our ongoing commitment to the values of liberal education that animate our mission, to the specific values of 创造性思维包容的卓越,最重要的是为我们学生的成功.