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Skidmore College


May 13, 2024
by Julia Marco

Creative Thought Matters. It’s the thread that ties the Skidmore community together while simultaneously emboldening 我们庆祝我们的不同. 

Skidmore's Commencement day is a living example of that core conviction, and you don't 除了火博体育大学毕业生的徽章,你还得看得更远才能知道为什么. 

A community of individuals

At Commencement, all Skidmore graduates don the same matching black caps and gowns, uniting them as the Class of 2024 and connecting them with college graduates throughout history. 

But they also wear symbols of individual accomplishment — sashes, hoods, stoles, and cords in red, purple, yellow, pink, teal, blue, white, green, and gold — and creative 表情——一个装饰的学位帽,一个花蕾,或者也许是一件令人眼花缭乱的长袍.

Those wearing each item may represent the shared experience of hundreds or the unique experience of one individual. 

在一个简短的仪式上,每个学生的独特故事聚集在一起 完成火博体育火博体育2024届学生的章节. 

For more on the historic symbolism behind Skidmore Commencent attire, we've put together this guide. 


While all graduates will wear the traditional black undergraduate robe, Skidmore uses hoods to symbolically recognize whether a student has earned a Bachelor of Arts or 理学学士学位.

通过不同的奖章进一步庆祝多方面的学术经历, pins and cords that are bestowed upon graduates at special pre-Commencement ceremonies such as Honors Convocation.

想知道如何为毕业典礼准备你的礼服? Check out this short how-to video.

黑色的毕业典礼礼服配上黄色和白色的兜帽White or yellow Hoods  

Those receiving a Bachelor of Arts will don hoods trimmed in white, a color representing the arts. 获得理学学士学位的学生将戴上镶有金黄色的兜帽, 象征科学的颜色.



Periclean Honors Forum 

佩戴此奖章的高年级学生是伯里克利荣誉论坛的成员. To be a member, they must complete Honors Forum courses, a senior-year capstone experience 以及一个被批准的公民项目. 他们还必须表现出模范的学术水平 社会诚信,最终平均绩点为3分.5个或以上,没有2个病史 连续学期成绩低于3分.5. 


意大利国旗领章插图Flag lapel pins 

Study abroad countries  

Seniors who participated in an international or domestic off-campus program through 火博体育可能会戴着他们留学所在国的国旗.


Red commencement cord

Red Cords

All college honors 成绩优异,以优异成绩毕业的高年级学生(3).650–3.749 GPA), magna cum laude (3.750–3.平均绩点899分)或最优等(3分).900–4.000 GPA).


Purple commencement cord

Purple Cords

Departmental honors 

For seniors who meet various criteria or achieve academic standing specific to their department or program. 虽然条件各不相同,但许多都涉及到GPA of 3.5分或以上,所有专业工作,完成一篇毕业论文, a GPA of 3.所有Skidmore工作成绩为0分或以上,并得到系里全体教员的认可.


Teal commencement cord

青色线,蓝色线,粉色线 and more  

Various honor societies  

For the hundreds of graduating seniors who have been inducted into various honor societies 学习成绩优异.

Some of these include Alpha Kappa Delta (sociology), Delta Phi Alpha (German), Eta Sigma Phi (classics), Nu Rho Psi (neuroscience), Omicron Delta Epsilon (economics), Phi Alpha Theta (history), Phi Beta Kappa (all college), Pi Delta Phi (French), Pi Mu Epsilon (math), Pi Sigma Alpha (political science), Psi Chi (psychology), Sigma Delta Pi(世界语言)和Sigma Pi Sigma(物理).  



这些绳子和披肩是那些希望携带多样性象征的老年人佩戴的 with them at Commencement.

Many were given by the Offices of the Dean of Students and Student Diversity Programs 在毕业典礼前的一个特别仪式上.


Lavender commencement cord

Rainbow or lavender Cords 

LGBTQIA+ pride 

For seniors who wish to signify pride in being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community and 在他们的成就中,尽管他们可能经历了障碍. 


Blue and white cord


Jewish student life

For seniors who wish to signify being active members of the Jewish community, continuing 他们的实践之旅、学习之旅和修复世界之旅.


Blue and Orange cord


Christian Fellowship

For seniors who wish to signify being actively involved in Skidmore Christian Fellowship.  


Purple and green cord

gREEN AND Purple Cords


For seniors who have led STEMpathy, a campus organization that supports students of STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)中的色彩.


Blue and white cord


Opportunity Program

For seniors who wish to signify their involvement with the Opportunity Program at Skidmore, celebrating their academic achievements despite barriers placed before them.



International students 

2024届毕业生来自50个不同的国家. Skidmore offers, and many international seniors choose to wear, a stole inspired by the flag of their home 国家,向他们的故事开始的地方致敬. 他们国家的国旗也将被悬挂 出现在毕业典礼舞台上. 




First-generation students 

The seniors wearing this stole are part of the first generation in their family to 从四年制大学毕业. 许多人选择穿这件衣服来庆祝他们的生日 成就和他们克服的障碍.  



Students of color 

肯特的象征意义已经有几百年的历史了,可以追溯到传说 Ananse the spider in Ghana. Today, Kente cloth designs vary and different designs and colors carry special meanings and stories.

Many students from various cultural and ethnic heritages choose to wear this stole to acknowledge their ancestry, celebrate their pride, and stand in solidarity with 火博体育学院的有色人种毕业生以及几代人.  


Student life and leadership

Representing or serving the Skidmore community — through student government, athletics, club leadership, or other college service — is a significant point of pride for many graduates and the College. 反过来,有许多独特的偷窃和绳索 学生们可以为自己的努力赢得荣誉.  



穿着这条披肩的高年级学生是火博体育大学19个校队中的一员. The stole symbolizes each student’s dedication to excelling on and off the field and in 他们的教室、实验室和工作室.




为火博体育社区所做的贡献 Skidmore College Emergency Medical Services (SCEMS) team, a New York State basic life-support, 由训练有素的学生组成的第一反应机构.  



Peer Health Educators 

For seniors who served the community as peer health educators, a volunteer group associated 火博体育健康推广公司. 他们帮助学生保持健康的生活方式和 make safe choices related to sexual health, nutrition, fitness, relationships, and more.


Gold commencement cord

Gold Cords

Student government 

For members of the Student Government Association Executive Committee for representing the student body in academic, financial, student life, club, and inclusion affairs.


黄绿相间的毕业典礼丝带Green and Gold Cords

Senior cord  

For seniors who showed demonstrated interest in furthering Skidmore’s mission by participating 在社区建设,筹款和支持活动.



Gold and white Cords 

Admissions Ambassadors  

For seniors who have aided the Office of Admissions in growing Skidmore through service 作为导游和接待未来的学生和家庭.


White commencement cord
White Cords


For senior class officers to recognize their service in representing their peers on 学生会和其他学生活动.


Green and yellow shoes
Anything one of a kind  


For seniors who want to express their stories, friend groups, clubs, and more as they 跨过舞台,成为火博体育学院的校友.

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